Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Website Development Means Developing, Coding For Your Website Read more at


What started as a simple website development has taken a large pie of market share. Let me start with the literal meaning of website development - starting from the baseline, Offshore + Web + Site + Development in simple terms means developing, coding for your website and making web page available on the web and later offshoring your website services. Or you can say, website development means developing a website and making it available on the World Wide Web to promote your product and services and contribute to global information base.

Basically web development follows web design phase and spans from coding for simple static web pages to complex applications pages, complete website development life cycle needs to be monitored with caution. Web Development is one of the fastest growing industry in this IT edge. Graphics designer, web editor, flash developer, designers all together look into the requirement, i.e. requirement analysis is must and then step into development and coding phase, development is not design but coding for design template.

Web Development cost depends on various factors: complexity of design, content of the website. With advancement in technology, technology has gifted developers with many free web development tools like LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) that will bring down your development cost, CMS (Content Management System - Typo3, Joomla), WYSIWYG, all these help to control, edit, manage contents with having in-depth knowledge of the softwares. With the Microsoft product Dot.Net has enabled to run applications online.

With digitalization of world and integration of various modules separated geographically all changes are reflected dynamically in this real world and fetching information is easy these days. E-commerce is best example for this that lets visitors to shop online, all transactions being managed from the backend; you just enjoy shopping, placing orders without bothering about its other side happening. Emerging social networking sites are another set of examples of web development that influenced the worldwide communication network and helped disseminating useful information among members of the communities.

Starting with the generic web template and moving towards customized web templates we get benefits like more clarity and better placement of various web components, more flexibility in functionality and presentation of website, its look and feel can be improved. Many firms these days specialize in providing custom web site development solutions for all size of business that helps you to promote your website's product and services and improve traffic. Security, software testing are important aspects that follow website development. Quality web services promise to take your business to new level of business.

Website Development is a broad term which refers to all the steps which must be taken to turn an idea into a website. You have to be systematic and methodical about it - poor planning in the early stages can create problems down the line. Although Website development in Lafayette, LA can create amazing sites, and put a business in a small city such as Lafayette, LA on the map, they follow a fairly rigid pattern based on your requirements when they actually code the site. All the elements of the site must work together - if you change your mind on one aspect of the site, very often that will mean programming changes to the rest of the site as well...which can be a costly and time consuming enterprise. Solid planning from the beginning will go a long way to ensuring that the Website Development process is smooth.

You've got to start by asking 'what is the purpose of this site'. Maybe you have a small website development company in Lafayette, LA. So your purpose is to promote your service. Your goal for your web presence is to consolidate and enhance your image, showcase your work to a wider audience - after all, there is no reason why a graphic designer in Lafayette, LA can't do work for someone in California. What do you need to have in your website that will draw customers to you?

Identify your target audience. Most of them will be in Lafayette, LA - so envision the type of person who is likely to come to your site, and what their requirements will be. If you want to stick to graphic design for professional services, then your approach is going to be different than if you specialize in graphic design for posters for musicians and album covers. Website Development means you need to get clear on all of this before you start - or the process will be troublesome, nerve-wracking and may cost more than you budgeted for.

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