If you are running an online business then you understand the need for marketing a website or blog for free. I am a strong believer in using free internet marketing and building free website traffic whenever and wherever possible. Even though it is good to use free internet marketing you must remember that there is a place for paid marketing. You can hire writers to help your business or purchase traffic from such websites as Chitika or Google Adwords. These are great sources of traffic for those who have the means, but if you are new to the online business world you probably don’t have the income to purchase traffic. For those who have limited or no income for their online business you will want to use the free means. The absolute best form of free internet marketing is search engine optimization which is ranking your website well in Google for popular keywords.
Anyone wanting to rank well in Google should remember that before you begin optimization never sacrifice the readability or quality of your website. In most cases you should be able to implement the keywords you would like to rank well for on your website in the URL, Titles, Headings, and the first paragraphs of content without hurting your website whatsoever. If you can implement the keywords naturally into your website then you will be able to tell Google that is what your website or blog is about. If you are not sure what keywords you would like to rank well for head over Google Adwords Keyword Tool which you can find by doing a Google search. This tool will help you find the top keywords in the niche you constructed a website for. Once you have the keywords you would like to rank well for the first thing to do is place them on your website in a natural way.
Placing the keywords on your website or blog is only the first step you will also need to begin building links for the term. This means that you will need to build links with the term you would like to rank well for between the anchor tags. If you don’t know what anchor tags are they have great HTML tutorials over at w3schools.com so you can learn how to create links with HTML for free. Some of the resources I use when trying to create links for a specific term include exchanging links. There are a couple ways you can go about exchanging links the first is using email or social networking to contact the website or blog owner. This works great as long as you don’t send them a copy and paste email. You will need to write the email so they know it is personally constructed for them and explain why the exchange would be beneficial for their website. Another way you can exchange links is by going to linkmarket.net and signing up for a free account. This free service allows you to request five exchanges per day and receive an unlimited amount of link exchange requests. This is a great website for those needing to get indexed and build a few hundred links for their selected terms.
Anyone wanting to rank well in Google should remember that before you begin optimization never sacrifice the readability or quality of your website. In most cases you should be able to implement the keywords you would like to rank well for on your website in the URL, Titles, Headings, and the first paragraphs of content without hurting your website whatsoever. If you can implement the keywords naturally into your website then you will be able to tell Google that is what your website or blog is about. If you are not sure what keywords you would like to rank well for head over Google Adwords Keyword Tool which you can find by doing a Google search. This tool will help you find the top keywords in the niche you constructed a website for. Once you have the keywords you would like to rank well for the first thing to do is place them on your website in a natural way.
Placing the keywords on your website or blog is only the first step you will also need to begin building links for the term. This means that you will need to build links with the term you would like to rank well for between the anchor tags. If you don’t know what anchor tags are they have great HTML tutorials over at w3schools.com so you can learn how to create links with HTML for free. Some of the resources I use when trying to create links for a specific term include exchanging links. There are a couple ways you can go about exchanging links the first is using email or social networking to contact the website or blog owner. This works great as long as you don’t send them a copy and paste email. You will need to write the email so they know it is personally constructed for them and explain why the exchange would be beneficial for their website. Another way you can exchange links is by going to linkmarket.net and signing up for a free account. This free service allows you to request five exchanges per day and receive an unlimited amount of link exchange requests. This is a great website for those needing to get indexed and build a few hundred links for their selected terms.
Read more at http://www.articlealley.com/article_1986217_62.html?ktrack=kcplink